We are so glad you all have joined us!
The Moderating Team
Week 1 (Jan 14 - 20, 2013) - INTRODUCTION & BRAIN BASICS
During the first week of the course, participants will
- Join the group online meeting place
- exchange introductions and become familiar with the group environments
- create and/or share their digital portfolios
- explore and understand some basic principles of brain functioning
- have some initial discussions on how brain research affects our teaching
- start digitally curating brain-related resources
Week 1 Tasks
Task 1 - Joining our Digital Tools Wiki
a. Request access to this wiki, which will be our collaborative webpage for our session.
b. Once you are granted access to it, go to your account settings to add your details and upload your photo.
c. You can also decide if you want to be notified of updates on our wiki or not:
Task 2- Connecting - Getting Started with EDMODO
a. Sign up for an account at http://edmodo.com as a TEACHER.
b. Access our Edmodo group (left on your screen) and join us Group Code: r1x8tp
c. Once your membership has been approved, explore our group page and connect to others.
d. Go to your page settings and customize your space, check your information, change its appearance and set up your email preferences. Take your time to explore this place for social networking in a school-safe environment and fill our your profile and add your photo.
Task 3 - Your Story - Introducing Yourself, Establishing Bonds, Socializing
a. A Story of Who We Are.
In an online setting, there are multiple ways we can introduce ourselves. Find your own unique way to tell your story, the one which tells us who you are. You can write a poem, add a video, a PPT, a photo, or just words. It's up to you to decide on how you're going to introduce yourself with your own story.
Prepare your introduction, access our Introductions activity in our EDMODO group Discussion Forum and add the link to your story. (USE THE REPLY BUTTON; DON'T START A NEW THREAD!)
Here are four TOOLS that you can sign up for an account, explore and use to prepare your introduction:
- http://animoto.com (make a 30-second video about yourself)
- http://about.me/ (tell us who you are)
- http://prezi.com
- http://smore.com
Get to know our MODERATORS, and check their introductions pages in the different platforms:
b. Take a seat and "listen" to the others at the Introductions area, check their stories, and interact with, at least, two other participants.
Task 4 - Your e-Portfolio - Deciding for your Online Space
Throughout this online session, the idea is that you
- collect the digital resources you produce along the way
- keep a space for reflection on your learning, your findings about neuroscience in education and the tools you get to know about
- receive feedback from your peers in what you've been reflecting upon, exploring and producing
- start your journey as a lifelong learner
There's no right or wrong way to organize your online space, as well as not a best tool. It will all depend on you, your style, your interests.
a. You'll choose an online space to keep your tools, reflection, collection.
If you already have an online space, no need to create another. Just use the one you're used to.
Here are some platforms you can use to start your portfolio:
In all of those spaces, there's a help page to get you started.
b. Share your session space portfolio with us at our portfolios Page.
Task 5 - About the Brain, Brain Research and our Teaching
a. Test your knowledge about the brain on our Brain Test page and do tasks b and c there.
Extended reading:
Neuromyths in education: Prevalence and predictors of misconceptions among teachers
pdf file
Sanne Dekker, Nikki C. Lee, Paul Howard-Jones and Jelle Jolles
Task 6 - Brain Basics
a. Read the Brain Basics summary.
b. Learn how information is carried from one neuron to another.
Have fun with this interactive animated cartoon of a neuron.
Be sure to explore the various pages of this amazing interactive tool and read through the elucidating information at http://www.childrenshospital.org/research/_neuron/index.html
c. Watch the video Neurons - How They Work in the Human Brain
d. Think about how learning about some basic concepts about the brain helps you understand a little about how your own brain works.
How do you suppose those ideas connect to teaching and learning?
Portfolio Entry
Add your ideas (task 6.d) to your own digital portfolio
e. Add the link to your portfolio entry to our Edmodo thread, and check each other's thoughts on the topic and give some feedback to your peers in their own online spaces (digital portfolios).
Extra Readings
1) Neuro Myths: Separating Fact and Fiction in Brain-Based Learning
2) Using Just 10% of Your Brain? Think Again
Help Desk
Need Help, Ask us!
Completion Checklist
Our Session Online Spaces
Edmodo: main environment, message board for announcements and discussions >>> Group Code: r1x8tp
Our Wiki: syllabus, weekly tasks, weekly discussion threads and tutorials
Pinterest: visual content aggregation.
Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, an international education association
Comments (8)
Maja Dakic-Brkovic said
at 10:24 am on Jan 7, 2013
Hello! :) Could you, please, open access to gDocs file for the Task 6 a. Thanks a lot! :)
anamaria said
at 7:14 pm on Jan 14, 2013
Maja, right below, where it says "pdf file" is a link to the pdf file which we uploaded directly to the wiki. It should work now.
Maja Dakic-Brkovic said
at 5:54 pm on Jan 15, 2013
Thanks a lot! :)
Samiha said
at 9:55 am on Jan 14, 2013
Very interesting Task 5
Carla Arena said
at 6:07 pm on Jan 15, 2013
Glad you liked it, Samiha.
Samiha said
at 6:19 pm on Jan 15, 2013
Very interesting informations
That's great !
I'm actualizing my informations
I have a question : Why did you chosen WIki for this activity? Wich kind of informations could participants add to the text?
Carla Arena said
at 10:07 pm on Jan 15, 2013
Which activity are you talking about Samiha? Have you read the tips we've just posted? They might answer your question: http://hottopicselt.pbworks.com/w/page/62715334/Week%201%20Tips
Let us know.
Marineide Rodrigues Colson said
at 3:48 pm on Jan 21, 2013
I watched the video last week. Great video to learn or "refresh" knowledge about the brain.
I have also read all the extra reading.
Great to be a part of this EVO.
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